Greythorn Traders Association congratulates Alexie Better of Better MultiSensory Learning who was awarded second place in the Cape Ability Network Business Awards in the category of working with individuals with special needs.

CAPE Ability Network has a goal to support small business providers and their employees to offer inclusive, accessible and educated service and products to those living with disability.

Better MultiSensory Learning is located at Level 1, 279 Doncaster Road, Balwyn North.

CAPE Ability Network is a community based project offering opportunity and training to raise awareness of disability support, in small to medium enterprises.

There are large corporate businesses, NFP and disability provider services that are recognised and funded nationally; however, often small business, volunteers and hobby level business, are overlooked when it comes to training and recognition.

CAPE Ability Network celebrate theses smaller businesses.

CAPE Ability Network helps people with disability connect with small business owners through network meetings to assist them gain business knowledge confidence and opportunity.

There is a strong belief that people living with disability have the potential to achieve their dreams of being business owners and/or obtaining employment in mainstream small business roles.

CAPE Ability Network also works with small business owners in creating best practices and inclusive workplaces, for staff and patrons to be welcomed regardless of ability.  To encourage small business owners to employ staff who have disability and to connect them with companies and platforms to achieve a more inclusive team.

CAPE Ability Network is a community network made up of small business owners, local community members and people with disability.